STAR4BBI Stakeholder Workshop on improved Standards and Certificates for Bio-based Industries

20 October 2018

23 October 2018, between 13.30 – 16.00


CEN-CENELEC Meeting Centre
Rue de la Science 23
B-1040 Brussels

The objective of STAR4BBI is to help establish a coherent, well-coordinated and favourable regulatory framework that helps develop a cutting-edge bio-based economy for Europe. Standards provide people and organizations with a basis for mutual understanding, and are used as tools to facilitate communication, measurement, commerce and manufacturing. For the bio-economy standards have a crucial role to play in supporting the growth of the bio-based products market. In particular, they can help to increase market transparency by providing common reference methods and requirements that enable the verification of claims regarding the bio-based content, bio-degradability or environmental sustainability of different product. At the same time there are standards in place that bring obstacles to (enter) the bio-based economy. During desk research and interviews with companies within the bio-based economy several issues related to standards and certificates in the bio-based economy were identified.

Identified issues are related to the following subjects:

  • Climate test
  • Biodegradability definition in standards
  • Compostability standard: EN 13432
  • Certificates in the building industry
  • Harmonization of FSC/PEFC
  • Cooperation between ASTM-EU

STAR4BBI will hold a workshop on the 23th of October from 13.30-16.00 to evaluate the identified issues with stakeholders. During the workshop, the STAR4BBI project partners would like to receive confirmation from stakeholders that these identified issues related to standards and certificates indeed cause challenges in the bio-based economy. There is also room to discuss any other issues raised by stakeholders concerning standards that currently exist or identified gaps where standards should be developed. With the information resulting from the workshop the project partners of STAR4BBI will make proposals to make changes to the standards/certificates with the correct committees. The aim is to have these changes passed through in the standards before the end of the project (October 2019).

We are happy to welcome you at the workshop! For registering please contact Ms. Tatevik Babayan:

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