In response to Programming Mandate M/429 for the elaboration of a standardization programme in the field of bio-based products, CEN created a Technical Board Working Group, CEN/BT/WG 209 “Bio-based products”, in January 2009 in order to produce an overview of already existing standards on all types of bio-based products, identify research needs and produce recommendations for a standardization work programme.
CEN/BT/WG 209 was disbanded in August 2010. Below you can find the final report of BT/WG 209 including an overview of research needs relevant to the development of standards for bio-based products:
CEN/BT/WG 209 Final report
Task Group 2 report “Research needs relevant to the development of standards for bio-based products”
The overview of existing standards on bio-based products made by CEN/BT/WG 209 was published by CEN as a Technical Report (CEN/TR 16208) in May 2011.